In 1852, James Lloyd Breck, who was then engaged in
the Indian mission work of the Protestant Episcopal church, received a
call from the Indians dwelling in the northern forests of Minnesota to
go and teach them. Obeying this call, he went to Gull Lake, in north
central Minnesota, and established there a mission station. The Indians
among whom he settled were the same people, substantially, with those
who greeted the first settlers in Virginia and with those who signed the
treaty with William Penn. Breck erected mission buildings, and a church,
where he had daily service, procured female helpers, and established
schools. He also taught them to labor. Rising daily at 4 a. m., he went
to the fields with the Indians, teaching them to plant, sow. hoe, and
raise all kinds of vegetables. The Indians tell how "once, when there
had been a long-continued drought, and the gardens were just on the
point of being ruined, and the sky was still brazen and cloudless as it
had been for weeks, that he rang his little bell for prayers, and
summoned them all to pray for rain; and though there was not a cloud in
the sky when he began, the dropping rain began to fall as they came out
of the church, and there was a great rain." They also tell how children
who were apparently dying or dead, revived when he knelt and prayed for
them and baptized them.
Some years later, he left his prosperous
mission at Gull Lake, and established another at Leech Lake — still
deeper in the wilderness. Here, whisky flowed like water among the
Indians, supplied by the traders of mixed blood, who were incensed
against the missionaries because the latter, knowing the extortionate
rates charged by these traders for their goods, let the Indians have
large quantities of mission goods at reasonable prices, in exchange for
fish, maple sugar, etc. The hostility of the traders being thus excited,
they instigated the Indians to acts of hostility which compelled the
missionaries to leave. One cause of the failure of this mission — and
perhaps of others — was that the missionaries gave the Indians too much
and thus encouraged habits of indolence and a feeling of dependence,
when a spirit of independence and self-help is essential to their
becoming well-disposed and useful citizens. After the withdrawal of the
missionaries the Indians became the prey of frontier liquor dealers and
were exposed to contact with all the vices that accompany the white man
on the first wave of civilization.
Contributed 26 Jul 2022 by Norma Hass, extracted from History of the Great Northwest and Its Men of Progress, published in 1901, pages 19-20.
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