Early in
October, 1898, there was an Indian battle fought at Leech Lake, in this
State, the magnitude of the result of which gives it a place in the
history of Minnesota, although it was strictly a matter of United States
cognizance and jurisdiction. In Cass county is located a Chippewa Indian
reservation, and, like all other Indian reservations, there are within
its limits turbulent people, both white and red. There is a large island
out in Leech lake called Bear island, which is inhabited by the Indians.
On October 1, 1897, one Indian shot another on this island. A prominent
member of the tribe, named Pug-on-a-ke-shig, was present and witnessed
the shooting. An indictment was found in the United States District
Court against the Indian who did the shooting, but before any trial
could be had the matter was settled among the Indians in their own way,
and they thought that was the last of it. A subpoena was issued for
Pug-on-a-ke-shig, and a deputy marshal served it. He disregarded the
subpoena. An attachment was then issued to arrest him and bring him into
court, and a deputy United States marshal tried to serve it. He was
resisted by the Indian and his friends on three different occasions, and
once when the Indian was arrested he was rescued from the custody of the
marshal. Warrants were then issued for the arrest of twenty-one of the
rescuers. This was in the latter part of August, 1898. Troops were asked
for to aid the marshal in making his arrests, and a lieutenant and
twenty men were sent from Fort Snelling for that purpose. This was
simply a repetition of the many mistakes made by the military
authorities in such matters. If troops were necessary for any purpose,
twenty men were simply useless, and worse than none, and when the time
came for the application of military force would, of course, have been
annihilated. The United States marshal with a squad of deputies
accompanied the troops. It soon became apparent that there would be
trouble before the Indians could be brought to terms, and General Bacon,
the officer in command of the Department of Dakota, with headquarters at
St. Paul, ordered Major Wilkinson, of Company E, of the Third Regiment
of United Stales Infantry, stationed at Fort Snelling, with his company
of eighty men, to the scene of the trouble. General Bacon accompanied
these troops as far as Walker, on the west bank of Leech lake, more in
the capacity of an observer of events and to gain proper knowledge of
the situation than as part of the forces. On the 5th of October, 1898,
the whole force left Walker in boats for a place on the east bank of the
lake, called Sugar Point, where there was a clearing of several acres,
and a log house occupied by Pug-on-a-ke-shig. They were accompanied by
R. T. O'Connor, the United States marshal of Minnesota, and several of
his deputies, among whom was Col. Timothy J. Sheehan, who knew the
Indians who were subject to arrest. This officer was the same man who,
as Lieutenant Sheehan, had so successfully commanded the forces at Fort
Ridgely during the Indian War of 1862, since when he had fought his way
through the Civil War with distinction. When the command landed, only a
few squaws and Indians were visible. The deputy marshals landed and,
with the inter prefers, went at once to the house, and while there
discovered an Indian whom Colonel Sheehan recognized as one for whom a
warrant was out, and immediately attempted to arrest and handcuff him.
The Indian resisted vigorously, and it was only with the aid of three or
four soldiers that they succeeded in arresting him. He was put on board
of the boat. The whole force then skirmished through the timber in
search of Indians, but found none, and about noon returned to the
clearing and were ordered to stack arms preparatory to getting dinner.
They had scouted the surrounding country and had seen no Indians or
signs of Indians, and did not believe there were any in the vicinity;
when in fact the Indians had carefully watched their every movement, and
were close to their trail, waiting for the most advantageous moment to
strike. It was the same tactics which the Indians have so often adopted
with much success in their warfare with the whites. While stacking arms
a new recruit allowed his gun to fall to the ground, and it was
discharged accidentally. The Indians, who were silently awaiting their
opportunity, supposing it was the signal of attack, opened fire on the
troops, and a vicious battle began. The soldiers seized their arms and
returned the fire as best they could, directing it at the points whence
came the shots from the invisible enemy concealed in the dense thicket.
The battle raged for several hours. General Bacon, with a gun in his
hands, was everywhere, encouraging the men. Major Wilkinson, as cool as
if he had been in a drawing room, cheered his men on, but was thrice
wounded, the last hit proving fatal. Colonel Sheehan instinctively
entered the fight, and took charge of the right wing of the line,
charging the enemy with a few followers and keeping up a rapid fire. The
Colonel was hit three times, two bullets passing through his clothes,
grazing the skin, without serious injury, and one cutting a painful, but
not dangerous wound across his stomach. The result of the fight was six
killed and nine wounded on the part of the troops. One of the- Indian
police was also killed and seven citizens wounded, some seriously. No
estimate has ever been satisfactorily obtained of the loss of the enemy.
The most reliable account of the number of his forces engaged is, from
nineteen to thirty, and if I should venture an estimate of his losses,
based upon my experience of his ability to select a vantage ground, and
take care of himself, I would put it at practically nothing.
killed and wounded were brought to Fort Snelling, the killed buried with
military honors and the wounded properly cared for. This event adds one
more to the long list of fatal errors committed by our military forces
in dealing with the Indians of the Northwest. They should never be
attacked without a force sufficient to demonstrate the superiority of
the whites in all cases and under all circumstances. Many a valuable
life has been thus unnecessarily lost.
Major Wilkinson, who lost
his life in this encounter, was a man who had earned an enviable record
in the army, and was much beloved by his many friends and acquaintances
in Minnesota.
The principal Indian engaged in this fight has
been called in every newspaper and other report of it
"Bug-a-ma-ge-shig," but I have succeeded in obtaining his real name from
the highest authority. The name — Pug-on-a-keshig — is the Chippewa for
Shortly after the return of the troops to Fort
Snelling the settlers about Cass and Leech lakes became uneasy, and
deluged the Governor with telegrams for protection. The National Guard
or State Troops had nearly all been mustered into the United States
service for duty in the war with Spain, but the Fourteenth Regiment was
in St. Paul awaiting muster out, and the Governor telegraphed to the War
Department at Washington to send enough of them to the front to quiet
the fears of the settlers. This was declined, and the Governor at once
ordered out two batteries of artillery, all the State troops that were
available, and sent them to the scene of the troubles, and then sent his
celebrated telegram to the War Department, which may be called the
Minnesota Declaration of Independence. It ran as follows:
"October 8, 1898.
H. C. Corbin,
Adjutant General,
Washington, D. C.
No one claims that reinforcements are
needed at Walker. I have not been asked for assistance from that
quarter. Although I do not think General Bacon has won the victory he
claims, other people do not say so. (Sic.) The Indians claim to have
won, and that is my opinion. The people all along the Fosston branch of
railroad are very much alarmed and asking for protection, which I have
asked of the War Department. The soldiers are here and ready and willing
to go, but as you have revoked your order of yesterday, you can do what
you like with your soldiers. The State of Minnesota will try to get
along without any assistance from the War Department in the future. D.
M. Hough, Governor."
Rumor says that the telegram which was
forwarded is very much modified from that originally dictated by the
The United States Government concluded to withdraw its
refusal and send troops to the front, and several companies of the
Fourteenth were dispatched to the line of the Fosston Branch railroad
and distributed along the line of that road.
In the meantime the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs had arrived at Walker, and was
negotiating with the Indians, and when it became known that matters were
arranged to the satisfaction of the government and the Indians, and no
outbreak was expected, the soldiers were all withdrawn, and the
incident, so far as military operations were concerned, was closed.
There were some surrenders of the Indians to the officers of the court,
but nothing further of consequence occurred.
Contributed by 2022 Jul 26 by Norma Hass, extracted from Encyclopedia of Biography of Minnesota, published in 1900, pages 102-104.
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