Iva Arvilla Morgan, age 4 months, passed away at her home August 15. Left to mourn her sudden death are her mother and father, and one sister, Elaine, also her grandmother, Mrs. H. Rux and grandfather, Mr. L. W. Morgan. Funeral services were conducted at the home of her grandfather with Rev. Chas. Fearson officiating. Burial was made in the Pine River Cemetery.
Luella Wynn, age 68, passed away August 14, at her home in Backus. Funeral services with Rev. Davis of Pequot officiating were conducted by the Northland Funeral Home. Burial was made in the Pequot cemetery.
Mrs. V. E. Dougherty and children and Miss Katherine Hoeser, sister of Mrs.
Dougherty, who have been guests at the L. E. Dougherty home, drove to
Minneapolis Thursday where Miss Hoeswer remained. Mrs. Dougherty joined her
husband, who has been in the Veterans' Hospital at Minneapolis, going from that
city to Wisconsin on a short trip. Mr. and Mrs. Dougherty and their children
arrived in Pine River on Monday to continue their visit.
Florence Kline
returned to Pine River Tuesday from a visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. John
Ackerman, in Robbinsdale, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker of Duluth arrived
Tuesday to spend a short vacation at the home of Mrs. Walker's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. B. E. Wideman.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Finch of Minneapolis were house
guests of Mr. Finch's mother, Mrs. Theodore Hill, during the week of August
Miss Sigrid Peterson and her sister, Mrs. Millard House, of
Minneapolis, were week end guests of Mrs. Christianson of Pine River.
Mrs. John Maloney, housekeeper at the Catholic rectory had as her guests on
Sunday her two daughters, Mrs. Joe Heisler of Fargo, N. D., and Mrs. Wm.
Baldrich, of Ashland, Wis. Mrs. Maloney accompanied her daughters Monday on a
trip to Superior, Wisconsin and will return next week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Stewart and daughter Virginia were Thursday dinner guests at the home of Judge
and Mrs. B. F. Wright at Park Rapids. Present also was Mrs. Grover O'Connell of
Boston, Mass., daughter of Judge and Mrs. Wright, and sister-in-law of Mrs.
Stewart. Mrs. O'Connell accompanied by her young son Tommy, is spending a few
weeks at her parent's home.
Mrs. Edward Crimmins of Pequot gave birth to
a baby boy, August 20th. Mother and baby are doing fine.
A seven and a
half pound baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. L. Knott of Pine River at the
Holman hospital, August 16.
Mrs. E. A. Erickson left Pine River Wednesday
morning for Minneapolis where she will spend several days as a guest of her
sister, Miss Selma Barnes.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Triggs and family left Pine
River Friday morning to drive to Croton, S. D., home of Mrs. Triggs' parents.
They returned to Pine River Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Haymaker
of Motley were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Haymaker's sister, Mrs. Clyde
Townsend. They also called on friends at Norway Lake.
Martin Erickson's brother of Boy River drove down for a week end
Alice Secord left last Wednesday for Detroit, Michigan, after
spending the summer at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rice.
Mrs. Hans Hanson enjoyed a visit with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Cosett.
Mrs. Offa Thompson and baby son returned home from the Pine
River Hospital Saturday.
The Fred Henderson family of Avant, Okla., is
visiting at the home of her brother, Milton Coon.
Mr. Stump of Nebraska
purchased the farm occupied by the Wilson Kramer family, he expects to move on
it next spring.
A. J. Hiles and family from Loveland, Iowa, arrived last
week. They have purchased the "Old Baily farm" and expect to erect a new set of
farm buildings. At present they are staying with the W. E. Hiles family.
Mrs. D. Riley and daughters are making their
home with her sister, Emma Houston, while Mr. Riley is at work in the harvest
fields in North Dakota.
The little baby boy born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Moser the ninth of August has been named Keith Harold.
Extracted 2022 Jan 12 by Norma Hass
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